Thinking about trying CrossFit? Here are seven reasons why you SHOULD!

1. CrossFit is incredibly safe. Your safety is our No. 1 priority. Every CrossFit movement can be scaled (or adapted) to fit the individual athlete. Can’t do a pull-up to save your life? We’ve got a scaled movement for that. Bad back from too many years of poor posture? Our coaches will work with you to find movements that work for YOU. And in time, with expert coaching on proper form — as well as muscle development — you’ll be able to do things you’ve never thought possible. As with any exercise, there’s always an inherit risk of injury. But if you listen to your body, learn and follow proper technique, and don’t act recklessly, it’s as safe as riding a bike or going for a run.

2. Lose weight and burn calories the right way. With CrossFit’s high-intensity workouts, you will be able to burn a considerable number of calories, more so than you would with other types of workouts, such as using a treadmill. Quite frankly: You’ll get your butt kicked — but you’ll love it (after you catch your breath). Coupled with a healthy diet and supportive coaches who will help you set and reach your goals, CrossFit can be an invaluable resource on your weight loss journey.

3. Improve your balance and flexibility. Balance and flexibility often get left out of workout programs — but not at CrossFit. We believe these are just as important as strength and conditioning, so many CrossFit workouts incorporate movements that train and hone balance and flexibility. Many of these moves also mimic everyday movements, such as squats and presses, which will improve quality of life and health as you age, as well. We end every class with a group stretching session to help cool down those muscles we just worked. We also offer a slow-flow yoga class on Sundays designed to help you end your week with a good stretch.

4. Lose weight and burn calories the right way. With CrossFit’s high-intensity workouts, you will be able to burn a considerable number of calories, more so than you would with other types of workouts, such as using a treadmill. Quite frankly: You’ll get your butt kicked — but you’ll love it (after you catch your breath). Coupled with a healthy diet and supportive coaches who will help you set and reach your goals, CrossFit can be an invaluable resource on your weight loss journey.

5. All you have to do is keep showing up. Never again will you have to decide what workout you want to do that day — we do all of the that for you. Each day, you are given a workout of the day (WOD) designed by our expert staff. Sometimes these are high-rep cardio burners, other times they’re higher weight and lower reps. The constantly varying nature challenges your body, forcing it to adapt and strengthen your muscles.

6. It’s great for mental health. With much uncertainty in the world today, exercise is a great way to improve your mental health. Simply show up, unplug, and sweat it out for an hour. This daily regimen allows you to create uniformity in your life and to develop an exercise routine that you can adhere to. Motivation is so much easier when you have a pre-set routine, and with a daily WOD waiting for you, all you have to do is grab your sneakers and head to the gym — we’ll take it from there.

7. CrossFit is a community. CrossFit knows how to make its members feel special and included. Not only does the CrossFit newcomer get indoctrinated into a specific methodology in their workouts and programming, but they also get a bunch of new friends and teammates. You sweat together, you grow together — and, yes, you probably curse together. Whether it’s comparing times and scores of workouts, or offering pointers and tips, or meeting up after the WOD for a post-workout beverage, your classmates become your friends. While, yes, CrossFit is at its core a workout routine, it’s the community that forges around each gym is what truly makes CrossFit so special and unique.

8. CrossFit is a high-intensity workout program that improves your strength and fitness. Through a series of functional, multi-joint movements, CrossFit enables you to achieve higher levels of muscle strength, stamina, aerobic fitness — and confidence. This is through a diversity of exercises designed to push you to your limit, both in strength training as well as cardiovascular fitness.